Okay, so I admit it. No way I’m supposed to have so much fun when so many people in the crowd help me to take my stories to a better place.
No one was more surprised than your bumbling corresponding when this happened to him, meaning me, with my story OPTION RIGHT, about my bumbling exploits as a high school quarterback.
Many thanks to you all for all your help!
Now I am asking my crowd to do it again with in THE GREAT AMERICAN HERO, the glorious story of GLO SCOTT, the only woman on the team that killed Osama Bin Laden, and the dangers she faces when she returns to Dodge City, Kansas, to deliver the Bronze Star won her her lover and best friend, ATHENA MARTINEZ, killed in action in Iraq. You might say it’s war when she comes home—and I would like nothing better that for you and youse, dear readers, to tear this little heartland ditty apart and help me put it together.
I should also point out this particular story is evolving into a television pilot, called GET OUT OF DODGE, I would hope to someday see streaming on streams everywhere. So your input now would be doubly helpful.
Thanks in advance for sending me your thoughts and ideas at mc@michaelconniff.com. I promise to respond to them all!