How Transforms the World of Performance Marketing with AI: A Chat with AJ Elliott
🚀 Dive into the future of marketing on this electrifying episode of The Accelerator with Michael Conniff! Join us as we venture into the world of AI-enhanced marketing with A.J Elliott, [...]
The Power of Esports and How M80 Differentiates Itself with Marco Mereu
Ever wondered about the captivating world of esports and why it's setting the global stage ablaze with excitement? Esports, short for electronic sports, isn't just about gamers battling it out; [...]
AUDIOBOOK: Dearborn by Michael Conniff
You never knew what you might find in those handouts under Human Potential or Leisure Pursuits. You never knew, and it was in one of those handouts, under Human Potential—and not Leisure Pursuits—that I found the kissing class: Kissing Without Missing, they called it.