An Interview With Michael Conniff
For this week’s Fast Forward Friday, we interviewed Aspen Colorado based Zip Creative client — novelist and screenwriter Michael Conniff.
For this week’s Fast Forward Friday, we interviewed Aspen Colorado based Zip Creative client — novelist and screenwriter Michael Conniff.
You never knew what you might find in those handouts under Human Potential or Leisure Pursuits. You never knew, and it was in one of those handouts, under Human Potential—and not Leisure Pursuits—that I found the kissing class: Kissing Without Missing, they called it.
The first chapter in the BOOK OF O'KELLS, my multigenerational dismemberment of my fictional family, starting with the origin stories of Jake O'Kell and the Great Fornicator himself, Thomas Cushing.
As writers we exists more or less in one flat, rectangular, linear dimension that goes from A to Z, from start to finish, without any easy mechanism for detours, asides, or embellishment. We also write in text without an easy opportunity to incorporate additional media.
You never knew what you might find in those handouts under Human Potential or Leisure Pursuits. You never knew, and it was in one of those handouts, under Human Potential—and not Leisure Pursuits—that I found the kissing class: Kissing Without Missing, they called it.
What follows below is the Author’s Note and Preface to WRITE GOOD 1.0, my virgin attempt to codify the rules of writing as I see ’em. Coming soon, one by one, will be the rules proper. In all cases, above and below, I would love to hear your comments.
If the showrunner for “The Walking Dead” on AMC were a major league coach or manager, the boo birds would have been calling for his neck and diehard fans in the stands would be wearing paper bags over their heads.