CON GAMES: O Canada, Of Thee We Sing
Why can't we be more like Canada? They host the Olympics like they mean it. They smile. They play hockey and penalty-kill. They honor the indigenous people in their midst [...]
CON GAMES: Getting Facebooked
A Con Games blast from the past: The virtual world can get a little too real some days, and one of those days came last week when a couple I [...]
SUPERNOVEL: Hollywood and Synthetic Characters
March 13, 1998 More on Hollywood and technology. Richard Edlund of Boss Films created all the special effects on “Star Wars.” That makes him something of an authority on all [...]
BLAST FROM THE PAST: When Blogging Was Young
I've been amazed at what Jillian Livingston has accomplished in Aspen with blogging, social media, and connecting the business community. Michael Conniff (left) with Jilliam Livingston and Jerry Bovino [...]
From The Year 2005: The World According To Blogs
From The Year 2005: The World According To Blogs Blogs are going to get you and don't think they won't. A new form of informal, personal publishing that started out [...]
CON GAMES: Code Friedman
CON GAMES: Code Friedman Huffington Post: May 25, 2011 Thomas Friedman, the Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist of The New York Times, was officially christened as king of the world over the weekend [...]
An Interview With Michael Conniff
For this week’s Fast Forward Friday, we interviewed Aspen Colorado based Zip Creative client — novelist and screenwriter Michael Conniff.